Mentor and Me:
A highly structured, evidenced-based mentoring initiative that combines group and individual mentoring to achieve academic, socio-behavioral, and pro-social goals.

In the past two decade, mentoring programs for children and adolescents have received serious attention as a promising approach to enriching children’s lives, addressing their need for positive adult contact, and providing one-on-one support and advocacy for those who need it. Mentoring is also recognized as an excellent way to use volunteers to address community problems. When implemented properly, mentoring provides structured and trusting relationships that bring young people together with caring individuals who offer guidance, support and encouragement aimed at developing the competence and character of the child. Research has shown that the presence of a positive role model to supervise and guide a child’s behavior is a key protective factor against violence and the absence of such a role model – parent or otherwise – has been linked to a child’s risk for sexual promiscuity, drug and alcohol use, aggressive or violent behavior, and inability to maintain stable employment later in life.
The Brotherhood Crusade Mentor and Me Program matches Los Angeles County community leaders with South Los Angeles youth in one-on-one mentoring relationships for a minimum period of one year. Through these relationships, as well as recreational and group activities, mentors provide friendship, support, and guidance to local youth. Mentors and their mentees meet on their own for as much as three hours per week and participate in activities that they both enjoy. There are also monthly group activities to bring all participants together.
Mentors are male and female individuals of compassion from diverse backgrounds. Mentees are youth from South Los Angeles who will enjoy and benefit from individual relationships with positive role models.